Agness Thawani Alumni Profile

Programme: Master of Science in Biostatistics

Agness Thawani received her Bachelors degree education at The Polytechnic, University of Malawi. She is the first female graduate in the Masters in Biostatistics programme at Chancellor College, University of Malawi. She enrolled in September 2010 and defended her thesis in November 2012 and later graduated in June 2013. Her thesis titled "Household Environmental and Socio-economic determinants of Child Mortality in Malawi: A comparison of Cox proportional Hazards and five Parametric Survival Models was supervised by Dr. Sarah White. Agness intends to do PhD in the field of Statistics in the near future.

Agness is currently working as Monitoring and Evaluation Program Officer for Human Resources For Health (HRH) Project at Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) where she is responsible for development and provision of implementation support in carrying out the project activities that seeks to address a diverse range of bottlenecks caused by Malawi’s shortage of health workers as well managing and overseeing all M&E activities and operational research. She has also worked as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer with several international NGOs like Howard University Technical Assistance Project (HUTAP) a project which was working on strengthening the Laboratory systems in Malawi, and ITECH Malawi which was implementing a VMMC Project in Malawi and Also EGPAF a program implementing PMTCT programs in Malawi.

Agness has a vast understanding and expertise in successful planning and Program implementation as well as implementation of M&E activities such as developing M&E indicator framework for the program, providing technical advice on monitoring and evaluation reports, highlighting achievements, constraints, strength, weaknesses and document the lesson learnt and best practices, She also has a great experience in Managing M&E staff and providing mentor-ship to health facilities. In additional she has good statistical background in protocol development, research design, data collection, analysis, and report writing.

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About Chancellor College

Chancellor College is the largest among the constituent colleges of the University of Malawi. Ever since its establishment, the college has produced graduates who have gone on to become leaders in various sectors of Malawian society.

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